Michigan Postdoctoral Pioneer Program


In an effort to support innovative and collaborative work within the University of Michigan Medical School (UMMS), the Michigan Postdoctoral Pioneer Program has been established by the Endowment for Basic Sciences (EBS) to provide financial and mentoring support to highly motivated and accomplished post-doctoral fellows. Pioneer fellows will be actively co-mentored by the participating investigators and will be expected to share their time between the participating laboratory settings. Awardees will be appointed for three consecutive years. The EBS will provide 90% of the financial and logistical support for the rst two years. Participating mentors will jointly provide 10% of the financial support for years 1 and 2, and 100% of the support for year 3. The stipend is set at 120% of the NIH scale for postdoctoral fellows.

Eligibility: postdoctoral fellows who have been in rank for 12 months or less at the time of award activation, and are not externally funded, are eligible for this Program. 

Open for submission: Jan 15, 2021

Deadline for application: May 1, 2021

Decision: July 15, 2021 Start: Fall 2021

For more information please visit: www.UMichPioneerProgram.org or email pioneerprogram@umich.edu