October 10, 2023

Advanced Computational Science & Engineering Showcase (ACES)

1:00 pm to 5:00 pm


Event Description

MICDE is excited to present the Advanced Computational Science & Engineering Showcase (ACES) mini-symposium. ACES is a highly anticipated event aiming to highlight current trends and hot topics in computational science and showcase the outstanding research supported by the MICDE Catalyst Grant.
This year's mini-symposium features the following exceptional faculty:
Ada Eban-Rothschild, Assistant Professor | Department of Psychology
Gary Luker, Professor | Department of Radiology | Department of Biomedical Engineering | Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Salar Fattahi, Assistant Professor | Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering
Jesse Capecelatro, Associate Professor | Department of Mechanical Engineering | Department of Aerospace Engineering
Venkat Viswanathan, Associate Professor | Department of Aerospace Engineering
George Tzimpragos, Assistant Professor | Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Gokul Ravi, Assistant Professor | Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The event finishes with a networking reception, where faculty members can share their research ideas and future plans, sparking collaborations.
