Extraction of Nucleic Acids
High Throughput Extraction of Nucleic Acids
Our DNA extraction service has been automated for high-throughput using the Eppendorf EpMotion liquid handling system.
Qiagen MagAttract PowerMicrobiome kit is our preferred extraction kit for samples going into the 16S rRNA sequencing pipeline as it yields high quality DNA/RNA from stool, gut, and biosolids. The PowerMicrobiome kit can also be used for extraction for shotgun metagenomics. For samples undergoing whole genome sequencing the
MagAttract Microbial DNA Kit is preferred. Clients (both UM internal and external) can submit samples formatted in 96-well DWP / bead plate format. If you are ready to submit samples for extraction, we process all submissions through our
MiCores website.
For the automated, hands-free isolation of nucleic acids from stool and gut material
For the automated isolation of DNA from microbial and food cultures
Sample extraction can be bundled with one of our other services such as Microbial Community Profiling or Microbial Genome Sequencing, or it can simply be used as a stand-alone service.