Postdoctoral position, Loesgen lab - University of Florida


A POSTDOCTORAL POSITION in the area of microbiome research, marine microbiology, and microbial chemistry is available in the laboratory of Prof. Sandra Loesgen ( at the University of Florida, the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, in St. Augustine, Florida.

This position is funded by the National Science Foundation via grant EF-2025476 “Chemistry of cnidarian symbiosis: microbiomes role in association, morphogenesis, and protection”.

This project will bring together a multidisciplinary team: the advisor, Loesgen (PI) is a trained organic chemist with expertise in microbial genetics and metabolites, Co-PI Virginia Weis (Oregon State University) is a coral biologist with career-long experience studying symbiosis, and Mark Martindale (UF Whitney Lab) a developmental biologist and expert in cnidarian physiology, to examine the intricate microbial communities and their metabolic influence on Cnidarian symbiosis.

The postdoctoral fellow will lead the microbiome exploration in two Cnidarian model systems, the sea anemone Exaiptasia and the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea. In particular, expertise in the area of metagenomics and assessment of community populations is required. Research experience in genome sequencing, gene expression analysis, microbiology, and bioinformatics is a plus.

The Loesgen Lab employs a multidisciplinary approach to isolate and identify culturable microorganisms. We are experts in microbial small molecules that regulate intra- and inter-species behavior and will train the postdoc in all chemical aspects. We have extensive expertise in NMR, MS, metabolomics, and computations to determine the structure of metabolites as well as excellent in-house testing capacity to assess metabolite effects on Cnidarian symbiosis and development. Additionally, the Loesgen Lab is BSL-2 certified for testing in mammalian cell culture models, as well as testing against various bacteria, fungi, or viruses.

The Whitney Lab is a diverse, inclusive, and multidisciplinary research institute. Mentoring and training of scholars is of high priority. The University of Florida, ranked top 5 in the US, and the PI offer many career development opportunities for postdoctoral scholars.

The position is available January 1st 2021 or later and will be initially offered for one year with the possibility of extension. The salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Interested individuals should send a CV, a letter describing their research experiences and interests, and the names and email addresses of 3 references to Sandra Loesgen by e-mail ( The Loesgen Lab is on twitter @LoesgenLab, and online at, and
