Postdoctoral Positions - Chalmers University of Technology - Sweden


Post doc in microbial robustness: For this position we are looking for a post doc that is interested to work in the cross field of Systems biology and yeast physiology.  Application Deadline: February 15. Questions can be posed to Lisbeth directly. (


Postdoc in Synthetic biology of probiotic yeast The post doc we will recruit will have the challenging task of building understanding of the role of heterogeneity in fermentation processes and cellular strategies coping with perturbations from the environment. We are looking for a post doc that are dedicated to develop cutting-edge methodology for the project and who can put acquired data into a theoretical framework. Application Deadline: February 15. Questions can be posed to Lisbeth directly. (


Postdoc in Enzymology – focusing on cleavage of lignin-carbohydrate bonds: For this 2-year position, we are looking for a person skilled in biochemistry, enzyme discovery, and/or proteomics, with an interest in plant cell wall recalcitrance and methodologies to understand enzyme-substrate interactions. Experience in structural biology or analytics would be other valuable backgrounds. Anyone interested in this can contact Johan directly (